Offering Functional Medicine, Primary Care, and Chiropractic Services
We appreciate your interest and learning more about the services we provide at Crossroads Chiropractic and Natural Medicine. It is our mission to help you reach your health potential and we believe everyone deserves quality care leading to a quality life. We look forward to meeting you and working with you on your health journey.Our office can be reached at (727) 789-4020 to schedule your initial consultation.
At this time we can discuss your thorough health history and order any diagnostic testing necessary to aid in your treatment. Your second visit will then include a full head to toe exam including eyes, ears, nose, throat, heart, lung and abdomen while we are waiting on your test results. Finally, your third visit will include a detailed report of findings from the information gathered in the history, exam and diagnostic testing. We will also write out a specific plan of action for your treatment moving forward and how we can work together to improve your longevity and vitality.
Clinic Hours
Monday 9am – 2pm
Tuesday 1pm – 6pm
Wednesday 9am – 2pm
Thursday 1pm – 6pm
311 N. Bayshore Dr.
Safety Harbor, Florida 34695
p: (727) 789-4020
f: (727) 330-2556